Tamis Bright
Texas Tech University, Texas, USA
Title: Challenges in Controlling Complicated Diabetics
Biography: Tamis Bright
In 2014, there were 29.1 million diabetics in the US or 9.3% of the US population and 422 million diabetics worldwide. Diabetes and its complications account for a large fraction of the health care expenditures for every nation. Controlling the glucose prevents complications and decreases costs. However, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data only about half of the diabetics in the US have a Hba1c<7% and only 14% have met the goals for glucose, cholesterol, BP, as well as a non-smoking status. There are a number of new medications, insulins and delivery systems which providers can use to improve overall control in their diabetic patients. Methods of combining the newer oral medications and recently developed concentrated insulins in the armamentarium for controlling DM2 will be discussed. Diabetics with nephropathy and/or gastroparesis are frequently some of the most challenging cases for obtaining adequate glucose control without hypoglycemia. Techniques of managing these patients, including insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors, will be described.